(301) 855-8308 ~ info@countrysidekennels.com ~ 9214 Boyds Turn Rd, Owings, MD 20736 ~ HOURS

A sample of our professional grooming. Click on any image to see bigger size.
Professional Care
Our groomers are outstanding and caring professionals. The environment is clean and safe, and we go to great lengths to make sure your pet is comfortable.
Whether your pet needs a bath, a toenail clip or even a show-quality trim, our professionally trained and attentive staff will be glad to take care of all their grooming needs.
We offer a range of baths, shampoos, cuts, and other specialty services. Brief listings below. Call for more details.

Baths & Shampoos
~Bath Time
Two shampoo rinses, a cream conditioner rinse, fluff drying, nail trim, ear cleansing, anal gland expression, brush out, and feet and feather neatening upon request.
~Shedless Bath
Bathing and a brush out using the "Furminator" tool that helps remove undercoat to cut down on shedding by about 80%.​
~Specialty Shampoos
Flea & tick, hypoallergenic, Medicated, Nova Pearls, Oatmeal, or Tea Tree.

Cuts, Trims & More
Our professionals take care of your pet, all breeds. We have a comprehensive understanding of needs and looks relative to the particular pet, and are responsive to your requests.
Hair Cuts: Pet bathing, clipping, and styling by our experienced stylists. We can adjust to seasons, special needs, desired styles.
Additional Grooming Services
Nail trim
Pet-A-Cure (nail cutting & grinding)
Teeth Brushing​

Contact Us
Reach out by phone or email for:
More details, other services, and questions.
Pricing ~ as there are many variables to consider.
Reservation (or use the "Book Now" link--->)
Phone: 301-855-8308
[both are direct links - that open phone or email]
Or go to Contact Us page.​​​