(301) 855-8308 ~ info@countrysidekennels.com ~ 9214 Boyds Turn Rd, Owings, MD 20736 ~ HOURS
Cat Boarding
Our Special Cattery
Cats might seem pretty independent, but we know they need just as much love as dogs do. All of our cat guests have their own special cat condos in our Cattery, a dog-free upper level of our boarding facility, to provide them a safe and more relaxing personal environment.
Our guests' quarters are kept clean and as comfortable and relaxing as possible. Cat condos have windows so they have a view and get regular and loving attention from our staff.

Exercise & Attention
Cats will have the opportunity to exercise in our cattery individually or with other cats from your family each morning for about 20 minutes.
We clean the cattery kennels daily, and also make sure the cattery is comfortable and peaceful. Our staff takes great care in providing a clean, safe and loving environment for our cat guests.
They get plenty of attention and play. We love our feline guests!

Food & Medication
We provide food for our guests, but will be glad to feed your cat as you direct us to. We are glad to give your kitty our food or yours from home at no extra cost. (We do not administer medications.)
Options include:
Whiskas/Friskies/Meow Mix dry food
Variety of canned food & treats
Your own food (pre-packaged in daily portions to assure we are feeding your exact amount)

Basic Pricing
* Peak-Rates: May-Sept. & Holidays